Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

It has been a really long time that i have written anything. Things are in such a state that the mind does not have anything to think about in such a place. But however the year is ending and all are hoping that the new year will have something good for everybody. Christmas decoration and lights everywhere cheer us up and makes us light and happy. For me these are the best few days of the year when everybody seems a bit more happy than other times. Well parties are non stop!!!!! so obviously everybody are happy. Anyway this has been a tough year for me and an up hill climb all along, but it seems things are going to be a bit easy in the coming year. A few extensions of the buisness are in the pipeline and maybe with that a few extra bucks will also flow.
So, here once again wishing everybody the best seasons greetings and God bless.
Merry Christmas!!!!! So, here once again wishing everybody the best seasons greetings and God bless.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Elections Elections
Election are a good time to see many people talking like saints, waht do you say? The faces of the leaders are worth seeing, so are the promises and the medias, of course, have hay days. But the real needs of the common man remains unanswered throughout, finances come from the biggies and go to the biggies after elections and by the governments, new schemes are made and left to be implemented for the next government, who again makes new schemes, this is an unending chain.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Are these guys our future leaders
At last the big Indians are on our heads, and led by stalwarts like Varun Gandhi (100% pun intended). Don't you think its a shame that in this century and the times we going through now, that somebody should speak like this in front of the whole world? This things we should have left behind long back and taken steps forward to banish such feelings and people from our society. These are the kind of people who brew hatred between the various religions in our country. The government is very very luke warm in the handling of this matter, and why not, bhai.. otherwise what will happen to the elections and the chairs. Think what would have happened if a Muslim leader would have spoken the same thing, certainly a riot would have started. I this case i genuinely appreciate the Muslim community for showing such restraint with somebody speaking so terribly against them and their religion. We should understand one thing very clearly that, " All terrorists maybe Muslims but all Muslims are not terrorists" and terrorism is a totally different issue, terrorists are neither Hindus or Muslims, they are simply unwanted anti-social elements, who cannot be in peace with their being and environment. Of all the terrorists movements in the world, has any group ever achieved their goal with terrorism and violence? So we should not brand any religion or community with the label of terrorism so blatantly, and for the matter, we can even brand the city hooligans as terrorists literally. So being a leader and fighting elections does not give any right to bark anything. For a man like Varun Gandhi, this election should be given a total boycott to his candidature, at least the younger generation, should totally refrain from giving him a single vote. Lastly, The president of the US, who we say as the most powerful man in the world, is being given sleepless nights by the terrorists, can't bend a hair in the terror networks, so simply standing and shouting is not going to do any help, except create tension and differences in the place we so much love.
Friday, January 30, 2009
hi all
yes, its been quite sometime that i was away from. Did nothing much but just the daily rut was driving me crazy. How does it feel, when even after staying with your family, in your birth place, in your country and being treated like second class citizens. How many of you have ever wondered, if you are staying away from your native place, how does it feel like being suffocated every day and every hour in the open air? How does it feel when you have no say in any matter, be it political, social, business, not even in small matters pertaining to your locality, colony or our own business and just being pushed around like a nobody everyday, when your children are pushed to the back benches everyday in school and in the bushes, when your children are taught not to reply back to somebody from some background, even though the latter may be wrong? So what kind of a psychological turmoil will the child grow up in thinking, why can't i reply back when i am right? This is not my plight only, but the suffering of thousands and thousands of people in our country living in our country in similar conditions. But there is nobody to think about this matters, all that matters is politics and money and power. I think everyday when can i go somewhere, where i can breath freely, i can carry my belongings safely without the fear of being mugged in broad daylight, where i can teach my child to hold her ground tight when she is right.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
So, did anybody ever think that such a thing can ever happen to such a company which was our pride and joy and every student in the IT field even for once dreamt of working there, but now a lot of Satyam employees are on the lookout for greener pastures. Though it seems that with the initiative of the Govt: and the new board, things will be back in track soon, because the deed was of one person and not the entire group, but there is a bitter pill to swallow for the share holders. Anyway other than this i am feeling, within the passing of a few days of 2009, that things are not going to be any better than 2008. What with a year starting with strikes and scandals in our country, the middle eastern war, Poonch and Kashmir and above all the deep feeling of the recession like situation. Jobs are being felt very tough to be kept and even the campus recruitment is less by 30 - 40% already this year.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What's to come

Hello Everybody... once again its that time of the year again, old year gone and a new one coming in, but this year the mood all over the country seems mellow and downbeat. People want to come out and have a bit of fun but the economic condition and the terrorists activities come up in our minds and beat the mood down. Moreover predictions regarding the 2009 economic scenario is really deary, i can't even think about the situation that is going to happen our country, especially the BPL population and our near and dear politicians trying their best to cover everything up. Its the same story always, dragging justice, red tape, politics in every little thing imaginable and i wish i could do something fruitful for the country i love. Anyways
wishing all the best for you all and hope all predictions for 2009 are false..
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