After all the crisis that we the common citizens of this country are going through, i doubt if we really understand the real meaning of Government of the people, by the people and for the people. We make the leaders, send them to the parliament and they use public money for foreign trips, Z class security and what not. We have become so immune to this system that we are hardly affected by this daily rut of the government. Chalta hai.... attitude is one thing which we must keep in the back shelves from now on. Nothing goes on like this for long, and now we are facing the result. In the current happenings, has anyone heard of a single MP or MLA being killed or any of their relatives, its the common people who are getting massacred everyday all over the country. Biharis in Assam are killed in a daily basis, is the Assam Govt: or the centre doing anything at all about it. Where are the Human Rights guys now, who scream at the top of their voices if a criminal or a terrorist dies in custody, whatever be the reason for it. India is being made so soft by the leaders, of course... we the general people also have a role for the same, that any and sundry now targets this country and goes off with it. After the Mumbai attacks were over all were singing about the success of our defence operations, but is it really our victory. Few people held up the country's so called elite forces for more than 70 hours, killed 100's of innocent humans and wreaked havoc on the buildings, it is they who are successful, because they had achieved more than 100% of what they intended to do. Prime locations are guarded by a few policemen and the RPF personnel with .303 rifles, which we all had seen very clearly in the CST main gate CCTV.. thanks to the media, against the possibility of such attacks. So should all the blame go to the police force for not doing their duty. We blame at every opportunity we get to any one possible, politicians are now blaming each other. Leaders resign as soon as something happens, do we elect them so that they do nothing when there is peace and resign when the situation becomes demanding? Does their resignation bring back the dead or comfort the ones who lost their bread earners. This situation has become a total mess now, and i think it will take a long time to bring things back in track, but provided each and everyone of us start participating in every field and not leave everything to the whims of our RESPECTABLE leaders.